6th edition has been kind to
my favorite hunters in the shadows. No longer are they really
hampered by not being fleet. Granted the re roll is nice, but its
not needed, especially when the Scorpions excel in assaulting dug in
troops. With fortifications now in the game, having shock troops
that can root out the units that occupy them is very handy indeed.
The scorpions have move through cover,
as long as the Exarch takes the stalker power, so you can easily get
within striking distance of units in cover. They of course have
plasma grenades so you can cut down your opponents at normal
initiative. The fleet is nice when assaulting through cover, but I
can live without it for the moment. I am hoping with the new codex
the Scorpions will gain fleet, much like their sinister cousins the
Incubi did when the new Dark Eldar Codex came out.
In truth not a whole lot changed with
the unit per say. They are still close assault specialists that can
move swiftly across the battlefield. Its just they got even more
specialized. At least for now, as I said they are great for getting
units in cover, behind or in fortifications.
The Exarchs weapon choices did gain
some flexibility. I use the power claw, but I tend to use the Biting
Blade more, especially now that you can glance vehicles to death.
Given that vehicles are easier to hit you can max out at strength 7
pretty easily with the Biting Blade. This is slightly better than
the strength 6 power claw, at least versus vehicles. The often
forgotten 3rd weapon option for the Exarch may actually be
semi useful now if the Exarch is geared towards taking out characters
in challenges. With 6 attacks on the charge you have more of a
chance to wound opponents.
Karandras, like all the Phoenix Lords,
makes an excellent addition to a striking Scorpion squad, but using
them in regular squads adds some nice tricks thanks to many universal
special rules applying to the whole unit as long as one model posses
it. In this case Karandras has Stealth. Although the Exarch powers
only apply to the appropriate Aspect squad the 3rd rule
that many the Phoenix Lords have is usually just your basic universal
special rule. As long as one model has the rule, like stealth, it
applies to the whole unit. So Guardians with the Conceal power now
have a 4+ cover save out in the open with Karandras in the unit or a
3+ behind a defense line.
I honestly wish I had more to talk
about. I use to own 30 scorpions, but now I am down to 20. They are
usually in my signature lists. Hell my blog Handle has had Karandras
in it since 1993. Well we ar getting very close to Adepticon. I am
prepping the Craftworlders to do battle. I couldn't make the Chaos
Marines do what I wanted them to do. On the plus hand side I did
hand them over to Lord Solar Steve. He has finally been corrupted!
Until Next time...
Blood Runs, Anger Rises, Death Wakes,
War Calls!!!!!!!