“Away with you” Delbaeth snapped “I
am better off than that BigMek.” “Your predictions were flawed
Seer, The ork force was larger than expected”.
“ The path is very unclear Autarch,
the presence of Chaos is clouding things. There is also.... a
presence creeping towards us”
“ I care not for your excuses. You
send word to the other Craftworlds Warhost. Tell them to expect us”
Dalbaeth began to disarm himself and allow the healers to begin
their ministrations.
“What is your plan Autarch...if I may
ask?” Ti'Fani was taken aback by the seething anger coming off of
the Autarch in waves.
“We will regroup and establish a new
beachhead. Then call for reinforcements”
“What about the Portal?” Ti'Fani
“ We close it, I have reached an
accord with the Monkeigh from The Inquisition..... Grand Master
MacCumhail I think its name is.”
Ti'Fani's shock was plain for all in
the room to see. She stood, mouth agape, at the pronouncement.
“You can't be serious?!.....Grey
“Deadly Serious” Delbaeth said as
he removed his helm, a sly grin emerging from his sweat and blood
covered face
Well the Campaign continues. The
Warhost of Delbaeth Windsword withdrew from the main hub. I was had
3 different armies hit me at the same time. Farseer Re-Rolls Space
Marines, Inquisitor Vogrins Guard and Austins Black Legion hit me all
at once. Rather than fight all three I withdrew all my forces
through the unmolested space port and self destructed my hub. I had
a smaller scout force moving towards Spellduckwrongs holdings, which
is three planets now. Our alliance is now formal. I am establishing
a new base in the Eldar corner of the map.
During the last phase BigMek SkrapKlaw
discovered an active webway portal in an asteroid field. It would
allow the deployment of forces anywhere on the map with only one hex
of movement. Obviously the Orks could not be allowed to hold the
portal. So I took my remaining 1750 points and hit the force holding
the portal hard. My fighting retreat from my destroyed hub, main
base, paid off. I wiped the Orks from the portal and the Asteroid
field. Granted it was at a cost. Delbaeth took 2 wounds when he and
his Warp Spider entourage were charged by a mob of 20 shoota boyz.
It could have been worse. He did survive. 2 wounds means two rolls
on the injury table. As luck would have it I shrugged off the first
wound with no effect, but the second means I cant wield any weapons
that increase your strength. My initiative was also reduced by 2. I
lost a unit of Dire Avengers, A unit of Warp Spiders, a few
Guardians, A Jetbike Squad and a Wave Serpent.
The Judge is now throwing his hat into
the ring as well, bringing his Gray Knights into the mix. It seems
appropriate as we now have 2 chaos marine players and 1 daemon player
in the mix as well. The swell of chaos and traitors, as well as the
appearance of the 13th company has brought the Sons Of
So with BigMek SkrapKlaw swearing
Vengeance, Chaos pressing in on all sides, a wounded Autarch and a
shadow in the Warp Falling on the system. I have my work cut out for
me this week.
Its campaign night so look for what
happens tonight next Wednesday.
Until then.....
Blood Runs, Anger Rises, Death Wakes,
War Calls!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ti'Fani, classic! Seer of the Blonde Skeins, caster of the Valley's Runes no doubt. Sorry I couldn't make it tonight, other duties called. Next week we shall begin the purging of Sector 135.
ReplyDeleteInterested in how you guys are running that campaign with such fluid movements. All the campaigns we have here are static single piece armies where you get to move once a day.
ReplyDeleteWell we have a pool of points and when we make a force it is static for the most part. Compositional changes are done at hubs. For instance. I retreated and destoyed my own hub. I hade a 1750 force and a 500 point scout force I had sent to a neighboring planet. The lists I had made for these 2 forces could not change until I got a new hub. Which is rough when you take loses. Units reduced to below 50% were eliminated and respawned at the hub. They were lost since I didn't have one.