I wanted to touch on and throw my two
cents into the ring about the one unit that seems to be real popular
on the net right now and in the tournament circuit. I speak of
course about our ubiquitous transport, the Wave Serpent.
So our good old reliable transport has
become the internet darling and all the band wagoners are hopping on.
I don’t blame them. Several of the Podcasts I listen to have been
saying the new Eldar codex is a meta changer. I have to agree.
People have been unable to adjust quickly to the new units and how
they function. In fact a lot of Eldar players are having a problem
I digress though. The Wave Serpent.
Armor 12 on the front and sides and 10 in the rear. Fast skimmer
armed with a turret mounted twin linked shuriken cannon and a chin
mounted twin linked shuriken catapult. Protected by the Serpent
shield. This bit is what is making our transport so popular with the
younger races. On a 2+ roll all penetrating hits are downgraded to
glancing hits. Then in the shooting phase it can lower the shields
for a nice blast of energy that is strength 7, pinning and ignores
cover. It has a 60 inch range which reaches everything on the board.
The standard load out for the Serpent
seems to be holo-fields and scatter lasers on the turret. A chin
mount cannon is an option for some, myself included. Basically this
means anything within range of the scatter laser is going to get twin
linked fire from the Serpent shield.
Shooting at a Wave Serpent is very
frustrating now as the holo-fields bump up the jink save to a 4+ or
if you actually have decent cover a 3+ cover save. Intervening
terrain really doesn’t matter as long as you have line of sight for
the serpent shield. SO there is no reason for you not to have decent
cover, especially if you move. You should always be moving. Since
the shield is a hull mounted you have a relatively narrow field of
fire. Keeping the nose pointed at your targets is important.
Now it seems that people are running as
many Serpents as they can. Given the points cost this leaves little
room for actual troops. The popular thing seems to be using minimal
squads of Dire Avengers or Guardians. Granted I am not a top
tournament player, but this doesn’t seem tactically sound. I run
maybe 4 serpents if I am running a mech list. Many players seem to
be using 6 or 7. Minimal squads are easy to wipe out. And
completely relying on your serpent shield weapons is not a good idea.
You can nay say, but here is why.
The shield is a potent weapon, but it is also the real primary
defense of the Serpent. It is a secondary layer in the defense of
the vehicle. You have the holo-fields for the added cover save, but
the shields keep the penetrating hits from wasting your Wave
Serpents. Not to mention the small squads contained within. Shields
down means an easier kill. You cannot consistently rely on a cover
save. There is a decent amount of weaponry that denies or removes a
cover save. Given an armor value of 12 on the majority of facings
most heavy tank busting weaponry needs a 4+ or 5+ to penetrate the
hull. Given the notoriety of the Wave Serpent you can assume players
will adjust for the meta and use more heavy weaponry and have
contingencies to protect their units.
Despite armies now having very capable anti air capability, flyers
are not as dead as people think. Several flyers in the game are very
well suited to laying waste to ground targets. In fact Crimson
Hunters and Vendettas are very good at taking out armor on the
ground. The former having a knack of being able to get into position
on rear armor very easily. Although you can saturate the sky with
shield fire, most of the lists I have seen that are Serpent heavy
lack anti air. Trying to take out flyers with armor 12 is pretty
hard with only strength 7 fire at your disposal. It also makes you
split your fire. Granted you may have quantity, but the quantity of
fire only really works when its concentrated. Flying monstrous
creatures can be a big problem especially when they have access to
biomancy psychic powers. Vector strikes from these big guys can
really hurt an armored force, especially if you have no way to deal
with flyers. Massed fire can force ground tests, but they are no
less deadly once on the ground. This forces you to once again divide
your fire.
Armour 13 and 14
Ok so yes you have a plethora of strength 7. Well your opponent has
been getting pounded at his local shop by Eldar and he has decided to
dust off his collection of land raiders. Despite the fact they will
possibly be changing soon, probably with nastier options, the land
raider is still in use and as the meta has shifted I think we are
going to be seeing more of them as it shifts further to compensate
for the saturation of Eldar allies and new Eldar players. These guys
can deal with the one or two fire prisms you have to deal with heavy
armor and then they can then get to work on your fleet of Serpents.
The units inside remain protected. This same logic applies to Necron
Monoliths, to a lesser extent a well placed Ork battle wagon and
Necron Vehicles with its own shielding. Space Marine predators and
Vindicators. Vindicators although pretty close range can deal some
hurt thanks to high strength and the fact the Serpent shield no
longer screws with ordnance. You still get 2 dice.
Don’t get me wrong its an effective strategy currently. I am
always looking at my codex and looking at how I can beat it. In this
way you develop new stratagems and how to counter what people may do
to counter the current meta. Given how fast we have been getting
codexs its been really hard adjusting to new stuff and developing
counter tactics to new units, weapons and metas. Space Marines coming
up should makes things very very interesting to say the least.
Well there is my two cents. I love that the Eldar are feared once
again, but as always I have to nay-say and do things differently. I
have always approached the Eldar as a synergistic army and I hate to
spam it. That said I am trying something I would not normally do just
to expand my horizons a bit. I will be detailing “The Guardian
Wall” once I have kicked off the New Aspects of Khaine series.
Until Next Time..............
Blood Runs, Anger Rises, Death Wakes, War Calls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old Phil did crank the Wave Serpents up to eleven, that's for sure. I am curious if they are going to be bad enough to actually shift the meta towards anti-tank or not. When Tau came out, people's jaws dropped at their power level, but I didn't see much of a global change in lists. Though, I guess assault armies became a little more rare than they already were. With Space Marines coming out shortly, I'm sure there will be a new bully on the block. I hope so anyway.
ReplyDeleteMy main beef with the Wave Serpents stems from how strangers view me now. I've been playing mech Eldar for a long time now, and figured out how to use Wave Serpents to really bash in some heads when they weren't considered good at all. A few months ago, someone might giggle when they saw I had nine Eldar tanks on the field, now they might cry foul. Nowadays, I have two choices, either explain myself and sound like a hipster, or say nothing and look like a WAAC d-bag. Oh well, like you said, at least Eldar are causing some fear out there again. It's been awhile.
I think the overall effect will be limited for a couple of reasons. 1. They are self-defeating, wave serpents are very good at taking down wave serpents 2. Tau already have enough high strength shots to scare them. However if the marine codex comes out with good armour I think a shift will happen.
ReplyDeleteI'm in between the two of you in terms of tank usage, I own a bunch but I've taken more than 3-4 hulls of any sort of non-apoc game. I don't think they are mandatory for Eldar to take, but I do they are mandatory for some units (such as wraithguard with flamers). In an army of specialist they are a very good generalist (but as pointed out still have limits).
I agree. If the Marine codex comes out with some good tanks, two codexes with them will definitely shift the game.
DeleteI also agree that they aren't mandatory, which I am very thankful for. Having a single, auto-include unit that stands out above the rest leans more towards a poorly written gimmick codex. The Eldar have a book with most options being good to decent choices, mostly relying on the overall composition, which, in my opinion, is how it should be. I think that once the shock value of the Wave Serpent wears off, the game will level out. For example, when the Heldrake came out, there was borderline mass hysteria, but now they are no big deal. They are still a rough unit, but people have adjusted to them.