Wednesday, December 31, 2014

So Long 2014, Hello 2015!

Happy New Year from the WayGate staff!  2014 has been quite a year.  Its been a Year of changes to the blog and war gaming in general.  We have seen droves of veteran 40K players setting their armies aside as GW continues to forge ahead in the path they have chosen.  A path that we are no longer following.  On the inverse we have seen a small game company grow by leaps and bounds and experience its first real growing pains, at least from the players perspective.

Spartan has really had a fantastic year and by proxy we as players have had an awesome year.  We have seen Firestorm Armada take off with the new edition.  New models and new rules have brought a lot of new players into the fold.  Groups are springing up all over the place, as are blogs, pod casts and events.  We have been playing 2.0 for just about a year now and we are still learning new things about the game and the fleets.  Spartan is keeping things fresh and it is very refreshing.

Dystopian Wars players have also been given a new edition and Dystopian Legions.  I have to say I am curious about the games and will probably be trying them out thanks to Spartan releasing the Rules in a free PDF.  I have never been a big fan of steam punk, but I will give the rules a whirl.

Spartan also gave us some ground combat in the Firestorm Universe.  Planetfall is out and so far it is proving to be a fun and fast paced game.  The system is pretty simple and straightforward but there is a lot of depth and nuance that we are just starting to really see.  I have gotten in a couple games with my Relthoza and I have a lot to learn.

The blog has probably undergone the biggest change.  We changed gears and formats.  Craftworld Lansing became The WayGate.  It was rough and we had some challenges, but the blog has been growing and seems to be expanding faster than its previous incarnation.  We have been running events and recording with Firebase Delta on a pretty regular basis.  Its been great working with Phil, Bryan and Robert.

2014 was great and 2015 is looking to be even better.  We have plans for events, more expansions to look forward to and Firestorm Armada and Spartan Games is going to have a big presence at Adepticon this year.  The Demos of Firestorm Armada and Planetfall are in addition to our first big Firestorm Armada Tournament, The Schaumburg Prime Offensive.

SO! Good bye 2014 its been fun.  Hello 2015!

See you all next year, until then crush the Alliance and as always...


Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Happy Holidays!

To all of you, from all of us, have a great *insert preferred holiday here* and we wish you both victory and the utter desolation of your enemies in the new year!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Mobile Oppression Denied: Dealing With Tough Ships

Hi all! SeerK here to talk about defeating ships that just wont die.  Everybody has an opponent who is the bane of there fleet.  They have that one ship or squadron of ships that seems just invincible.  Today we are going to look at methods of destroying vessels in the non traditional way, that is trying to obliterate it with your ships main weaponry.  Direct fire is not always the best way to make a ship a non combatant.  I have had issues with some of the tougher vessels in the game.  Tarakian Battleships, Terran Shield Cruisers, Terran Tyrant Battleships, the list goes on.  So lets look at some methods of attack versus some of the common issues players run into. The real key is to know thine enemy.  Your method of attack should exploit a weakness that your opponent may not know exists.

Every ship has a weakness.  Your opponent may or may not know it has it.  You have to know the weakness of the ship.  Look at the MAR's the ship relies on.  Look at its Crew points and Point Defense stats. What are the optimal of maximum ranges on the main weapons?  Many players will rely on one particular aspect of a ship.  Terrans rely on their shields.  Relthoza rely on the Cloaking Shields. You have to exploit this reliance to your own advantage.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Adepticon Update! We Have Rules AND A new Starter?!?!

SeerK here with a quick weekend update.  We now have the rules document posted for Adepticon.  The link is on the right of the blog just below the Adepticon logo.  We also have it posted to the event page on Facebook.  It should also be appearing on the Adepticon rules page which I think is going to be updated after the new year.  If there are any questions or concerns please shoot us an email.

In other news it looks as if we are getting a new starter set for Firestorm Armada.  "The Return Of The Overseers" is the new box title.  We have the Directorate squaring off against the Aquans much like the Proteus Prime Planetfall starter.  This makes a lot of sense considering the bit of fluff in the Proteus Prime booklet.  To sum it up, a Terquai research ships finds a planet hidden in the middle of an area noted for being completely empty.  They find evidence of a very ancient civilization and inadvertently trigger a planet shaking relic that really plays havoc with the teams and the Directorate Invasion force.  Upon getting news of this on Csera the big squid in charge has a flash back of death destruction and deep rooted fear.  Me thinks we have a old race returning and it sounds like its not a good thing.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Way Of The Clans: The Ba'Kash

SeerK here once again. I was able to get out over to the west side of the state for a Firestorm Armada tournament. Battle Front Games in Kentwood, which is by Grand Rapids, played host to an 800 point patrol fleet tournament. Thanks go out to Mike Williams for running a fun event. I was initially going to run my Rense Navy fleet, but I was talked out of it by Spellduckwrong and Dreadbeard. I am still trying to really get some competitive wins with my Rense. The last tournament I played in I ran them and took third. Not to bad, but I am still learning the system even after a year. Once you learn a system you start to see the subtleties and tactics and tricks reveal themselves. I get in a lot of games to learn new tactics and the interactions of rules and those tactics with each other. I am trying to refine my game by playing different fleets. I recently acquired some Relthoza to help me refine my game. Relth have a sharp learning curve and they are a very good fleet when used properly. They will also help me play my Rense better. My actual style of play, especially when doing it competitively, is usually at great odds with my army or fleet selection. I like armies and fleets that are visually appealing and have a very common theme of being fast and being played with refined tactics. That is they are a scalpel when at heart my play style is more big freaking hammer.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Update From The Front! Adepticon and More!

SeerK Here.  We ll its been quite a whirlwind of activity here.  Thanksgiving and Adepticon registration all in one week.  When the smoke cleared from Monday nights Adepticon pre registration we were happy to see that the Schaumberg Prime Offensive sold out in under 4 hours.  That is pretty impressive and we really appreciate all the support.  Players can look forward to a fun and professional event.

On the Subject of the tournament, we encourage people interested in playing to still sign up and get on the wait list.  We are currently working with the Adepticon staff to get more room.  If and when we get more space, being on the wait list gets you in.  It also gets you in if anybody cant make it or cancels their registration.  So cue up and be prepared to throw down.  Event rules will be posted very soon, both on the Adepticon website and here at the blog.  We also have an Event page up over on facebook.  The link to it and our Facebook page is in the side bar on the right hand side of this page.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Road To Adepticon: RSN Scout Mission to The New Digs!

Greetings and happy belated Thanksgiving to all!  SeerK here with a special report.  I was fortunate enough to be in Chicago for the holiday. Before dinner and before the Lions crushed the Bears, I made a short trip out to the Renaissance Marriott Schaumburg Convention center, Adepticon's new location. I know as gamers we fear change, so I thought I would take some of the fear and mystery out of this major change to Adepticon.  The Schaumburg Prime Offensive, our Firestorm Armada Tournament at Adepticon, sold out in 3 hours! We were floored and are working with Adepticon for more space so as many as you guys that want to play can.  Thanks for the support community! We are looking forward to delivering a great and fun event!  To start I am going to give you the lowdown on the new location.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us at The Waygate. There is quite a bit to be thankful for this year and it looks like next year will bring ever greater wonders. Take time to enjoy these moments with friends, family, and soon to be vanquished foes.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Marauders Fleet Manual pt 2: STL Traders

Hi all! SeerK here. Well its Monday the 24th and you know what that means. Tonight registration begins for Adepticon. At 8 pm. Central time the web cart opens and you can register for all your favorite events, which should include our Firestorm Armada tournament The Schaumberg Prime Offensive!. Please sign up early as we are currently limited to 20 spots. Ok enough shameless promotion for now.

I wanted to continue talking about the Marauders Fleet manual. In the last installment I went over the Oroshan. In this installment I wanted to cover a few things in the STL. I have to say there are some real gems in this fleet manual and the STL, the Traders specifically, have quite a few of them. So lets delve into the STL Traders a bit.

At first Glance several of the vessels do not look all that impressive. You really have to look deeper at the stat blocks to see the true value of the ships. You also have to look at them in relation to other fleets as they can be included as allies in any fleet. It just costs more for Zenian League members. Terrans can really take advantage though as the STL is natural allies with the Terran Alliance. I know Dreadbeard swears by one of the STL vessels.

Our first Entry is the Reformer class Battle Station. This is the only battle station available in the Marauders Fleet manual. It is also the poster child as to why I think Battle Stations should be excluded from tournaments, but I will cover that in a minute. As Battle Stations go I think this one is appropriately priced. It is equipped with Primary Turrets, A Gravitational weapon turret and any direction torpedoes. This is contrary to how Battle Stations are usually armed as most stations have weapons in all directions that can fire in all directions at the same time. I think the Reformer is equipped the way it is, is because of the fact you can buy its movement up to six inches and it has a fold space drive. So essentially it is a Dreadnought. The Gravitational weapon on it is unique in that you can only use it to push and pull things. The Penitentiary class escort it can take is also equipped with the same kind of weapon. Given the assault options you can take this is pretty nice. You can pull ships into better weapon range bands and pull them in to assault them. The station also has a 9 wing capacity so you can launch some pretty heinous bomber attacks.

The reason why I view this as the poster child for no Battle stations in tournaments is that you don’t have to pay for a fold space drive and given its ability to move and dreadnought class weaponry, this allows you to drop it into the midst of a fleet and really lay the hurt on. The only real balancing factor is, points wise it is priced like a dreadnought kinda. With upgrades and wings it can be about 290 points. Now this is dreadnought cost, but starting dreadnought cost. So yeah cheap dreadnought in Battle Station clothing.

Our next gem is your usually tier one choice for the STL traders. The Prospector class carrier. This is a poor mans carrier. It only has a 5 wing capacity and its stat line is basically a heavy cruiser possibly battle cruiser. Not awesome. Now what if I told you its base price is 75 points and comes in squadrons of 1-2 ships. You can also have Accompaniments. STL Cruisers or Frigates. So with wings one of these guys with a couple upgrades is like 110 points. So about 220 for 2 of them. That gives you 10 wings which are a split berth. Their weaponry is what we like to call “Knife fight” range, which is kind of ideal. With the right escorts you can pack a pretty good punch at short range with Primary weapons and Torpedoes. This is of course after you make a bombing run with a full 6 wing SRS bomber token. It also gives your opponent a very target rich environment. Lots of ships can make fire discipline break down pretty fast. Combining this Tier one choice with our next tier 2 choice makes for a very Target rich environment.

There is a running joke in our group that Hawker Frigates and Terran Frigates, mostly Hawker though, Are not frigates bu actually light cruisers. We had to adjust that statement to “Heavy Frigates” now as the STL Traders have an actual light cruiser now. Firestorm Armada does not have a Light Cruiser class as of yet. When it does the Opportunity class Cruiser will fall into that category. They have the DR and CR of a Cruiser but only 3 hull points. They also have the weaponry of a hawker Frigate. A primary Turret with 3 decent range bands and any arc torpedoes in 2 range bands. This does not equate to a really nice ship until you see they cost 40 points come with sector shielding, giving them a shield in one arc, and they can be taken in squadrons of five. Yeah you heard right five.

In their ideal range band the Opportunity Cruiser squadron, with 5 members, puts out 18 dice with their primary weapons and 18 torpedo dice. Granted this is a limited range. You have to be farther than 8 inches, but no more than 12 inches away. The typical tactic is to shunt deploy this squadron in the rear of the enemy fleet. You get one good strike with it before your opponent starts taking it apart. Granted its kind of a trap as you cannot take them out in one go easily. Five of them can absorb a lot of fire and its 5 crew points make it a little difficult to de-crew. The squadron is a bargain at only 200 points. Its a great addition to a Terran Alliance fleet. I know many Terran players complain about the quality of their cruisers. This is a good alternative to Terran Cruisers especially if you fulfill your tier 2 requirement with the Terran Destroyers, which are probably the best destroyers in the game.

Well there ya go, my two cents about the STL traders. I will be touching on the OSO Omnidyne vessels in the next installment. I know some people have been expecting some Planetfall coverage as well. It is coming. Our guys are getting their sets and Evolution Games in Lansing now has a good stock of Proteus Prime Starter boxes, support helix’s and rule books from the launch. We are learning the rules and getting a good grasp on things before we start writing about it. I am waiting for my Relthoza, which are not released until December 10th. So in the mean time I am learning the ropes. SO fear not Planetfall will be covered very soon. Also keep an eye our for a post from Spellduckwrong. He has been busy. His weapon lab is churning out a very nice looking Pathogen Fleet. I will leave the Pathogen section of the Marauder Fleet manual to him.

Until next time crush the Alliance and as always....


Friday, November 21, 2014

The Road To Adepticon Is Paved With Space Tables

SeerK here.  With UCON done our next big event is going down in March at Adepticon.  Overall our event at UCON went well and the missions were well received by the players.  There are some slight tweaks that need to be done, but nothing drastic.  Registration for Adepticon starts at 8 P.M. Central time this coming Monday the 24th.  The Schaumburg Prime Offensive is on Saturday the 21st of March.  We are limited to 20 slots so register early to reserve your spot.

To prepare for Adepticon, UCON as well, we had to get playing surfaces made to play on.  We could have just used cloth and done something simple.  Spellduckwrong, Dreadbeard and I really wanted an eye catching and robust playing surface for you, the players, to play on though.  I know I am never happy with how my dice rebound on cloth surfaces and I am not totally sold on Fatmats yet due to the cost involved.  So we made up space boards like the ones we play on at our FLGS, Evolution Games.

I like playing on hard boards.  You don't usually find hard board playing surfaces at tournaments.  We want nothing but the best for our players though.  If you played at the UCON tournament or have been to Evolution games you have seen the great looking space boards our group plays on.  These same boards are what we are using at the Schaumburg Prime Offensive.  I thought I would give you a peek at the boards and the process we used in making them.

We use MDF board for our boards.  Its about a Quarter inch thick and is a six foot by four foot board.  So standard war game table size.  We like to do these outside and were lucky enough for the weather to be good when we did the final 4 boards.  You need a pretty decent amount of space to paint these.  If you are doing them indoors I really recommend putting down some drop cloths  as the paint will get on the floor.  We had to prop the boards up with chairs as we had no saw horses to use.

It is important to note that these particular boards have a smooth side and a rough side.  We paint on the smooth side.  This gives a more even surface.  Painting the other side seemed to require more coats and had a texture to it we did not like.

We are using a flat black house paint for the base coat.  This is durable and is a great base for a space board.  I would not buy more than a gallon of paint, as ten boards did not even require the full gallon.  We used rollers to apply two coats of paint to the boards.  The dry time on this particular kind of paint is pretty quick.  We were able to paint the base coat on the four tables we were working on in about an hour and a half.

You want to make sure the paint fairly dry before moving on to the next step.  We generally wait until the paint is not tacky.  You don't want to leave finger prints or smear the paint.

The next step is to get a good star field applied to the table.  We use a good stiff bristle tooth brush.  The application method we have found that works best is to hold the brush as shown and run your finger length wise down the brush.  this flicks the paint in small droplets onto the board.  The application goes a lot more quickly if you have two people doing it.

The real trick to this is to no glob the paint onto the board.  You do not want to put a lot of paint on the brush.  The kind of paint you use makes a big difference too.  On these four boards we used a craft paint that did not work so well.  We had to re apply the star fields on two of the boards because the paint seemed to be to thin and the stars were to small.

Our next step once the stars were dry was to add the nebula's and gas clouds.  These are just for looks and do not affect game play as we have dedicated terrain pieces for gas clouds and other in game terrain features.  We have several different colors of Krylon Fusion spray paints.  These are what we use to paint the nebula's.  It requires a light touch and Spellduckwrong holds the can about a foot and a half above the board and moves it in single passes over the board so the paint is very light and wispy looking on the board.  Multiple passes darkens the colors.  We usually use two colors that are complementary to add some depth to the clouds appearance.

This is basically done to taste.  Spellduckwrong is our Nebula master as he has the technique down for making these look really nice.

This is our finished product.  The board in the foreground was a mix of pastel green and a baby blue.  The table in the background was a mix of three colors red, yellow and orange.  We painted it a little heavier than we normally do.

So we have ten of these boards ready to roll for Adepticon in March.  We will be touching them up and working on some terrain between now and then.  We look forward to seeing you guys at Adepticon.  I am going to be in the Chicago area next week for Thanksgiving so I was thinking about scouting out the new location.  I will snap some pictures and post them next weekend for your viewing pleasure.

Stay tuned for more posts about Adepticon.  We are set on the path and are really looking forward to the destination.

Until next time crush the Alliance and as always.......


Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Battle At Omicron Theta Results!

SeerK here.  This past weekend The Waygate Staff invaded UCON in Ann Arbor Michigan.  The 2nd Annual Storm Zone Brawl: The Battle At Omicron Theta went down on Saturday the 15th.  We had 10 participants fighting for the great prizes provided by Spartan Games and Evolution Games of Lansing Michigan.  When the guns were finally powered down and the fleets scarred and battered the fate of Omicron Theta was decided.  Victory went to the Zenian League.  Omicron Theta was taken.

The Battles were brutal and we had a pretty decent mix of Kurak Alliance and Zenian League member fleets.  After 4 rounds of brutal combat we had a clear victor.  In fact our winner went undefeated and ended the tournament 47 points ahead of our 2nd place winner.  Just three points shy of a perfect score.  On that note lets take a look at our winners.

1st place  Dave Wangen  Works Raptor / OSO Corsairs

2nd Place  Matt Johnson  Sorylians / Veydreth

3rd Place Steve Krohn  Hawker Industries

Congratulations to our winners and our Battle Station Drawing Winners John Miles and Mike Aguilera.  UCON was fun this year.  The missions seemed to be very well received and our players got a taste of what we will be running at Adepticon in March.  Now that Omicron Theta has fallen the Zenian League Fleets will now press to Schaumberg Prime.

Adepticon has announced Pre Registration will begin on November 24th, which is a Monday, at 8 p.m. central time.  They have the web cart up now so you can preview events and plan your trip.  I encourage everybody to pre register as soon as possible as we expect the event to fill up quick and it is currently limited to 20 spots.  Spartan Games is supporting the event as well as the good folks at Adepticon.  So stay tuned for what we have in store for you!

Thats all for now, But I will leave you with some pictures of the event.

Works Raptor Making some new "Friends"

Hawker Battlship dealing with a Kedorian Battleship
An epic 20 inch battle shunt move
The Sorylians holding the line

Steve enjoying dinner after a bad loss

Until next time crush the Alliance and as always


Monday, November 10, 2014

Fluff Monday: Monsters and Legends

SeerK Here.  Although its not Friday I thought I would post our next installment of the story of Alex Cross.  I have been pretty busy getting ready for our tournament The Second Annual Storm Zone Brawl: The Battle At Omicron Theta at UCON.  It is this coming Saturday the 15th.  our start time is 10 a.m. and there are still spots available.  We have patrol fleets, dreadnought boxes and battle stations up for grabs.  I hope to see you all there!  In the mean time Enjoy the story!

The doors to the hanger bay slowly parted. The force shield holding the environment in the bay flickered slightly as the air momentarily rushed towards the black inky vacuum of space. Alex stood at the center of his officers. They were lined up in two neat rows while an honor guard of the ships Marines stood at attention in parallel lines with their weapons at parade rest. Klaxons sounded as the shuttle entered the bay. The plain steel gray craft slowed as it entered the bay. Its slab sided bulk slowly lowered itself onto the landing pad closest to the arranged rows of officers and Marines.

After it had completed its landing. the Marines turned and quick stepped into two rows flanking the hatch. They stood to attention as the hatch opened. Even covert meetings and secret trips had pomp and traditions to be followed in the Rense System Navy. Alex stood, rather calmly with his hands behind his back, as the hatch opened the the ramp came down. Pioneer troopers came down first, followed by what looked to be a collection of administrators, Fleet Colonels, Fleet Captains and Fleet Marshals. They filed down and joined the other soldiers and Fleet officers in neat rows. Salutes and hand shakes were exchanged. Alex felt all their eyes on him. It was a bit unsettling. It seemed they knew why Fleet Marshal Gronier was here.

As Alex became lost in thought, he awoke form his reverie as one of the higher ranking officers shouted “Attention! Alpha On Deck!” The woman emerging from the blocky shuttle craft looked to be in her early 40's. She was tall with a mane of silver hair flowing down her shoulder. It was arranged in a complex of braids with a heavy looking silver tie at the end of the arrangement. It looked like the “Wings Of Liberty”, The Symbol of the Federation. She was actually quite lovely, with high cheek bones and a slight frame. The look in her eyes could have penetrated a Terran energy shield. They were locked firmly on Alex. It was her, Supreme Fleet Marshal Delphine Rense-Gronier. The “Silver Fox” they called her, well at least not in her presence. Alex knew she was a little over 62 years old, but thanks to Directorate Bio Sciences looked to be in her Early 40's. Her nickname was earned thanks to her silver hair, apparantly it had been that way from a very young age, and her hallmark hit and run tactics when prosecuting campaigns. Her forces were like ghosts and her tactics were reminiscent of the old Earth General Erwin Rommel.

The Fleet Marshal strode confidently down the ramp Saluting the Marines as she went past them. Alex Stepped forward and saluted.
“Welcome the the Leonidas sir! I am..” Marshal Gronier Interrupted as Alex spouted his greeting.
“Do I look like a sir Cross? I hate that protocol Cross. As we have never met that was your one warning”
“Yes ma'am” Her stare seemed to be boring a hole into Alex. He was off to a great start.
“At ease Fleet Marshal, you look like you are going to faint.”
The rumors of her candor did not prepare Alex for the actuality of it. Alex relaxed and lowered his hand from his salute.
“Apologies Fleet Marshal, I am just surprised you are here. Last word was your Task Fleet was in the Omicron Theta System, I take it things did not go well” Alex froze as he realized how frank his statement was.
A wry smile broke the sternness of her face. She seemed almost amused. She glanced back at one of the officers that had arrived with her with a raised eyebrow. He was a middle aged man with close cropped hair and a jagged scar down the right side of his face. He looked as if someone had slapped him. He shook his head in what seemed like an act of contrition.
She gestured for Alex to walk with her. As they walked side by side towards the briefing room the other officers and Marines filed in behind them.
“Marshal Fromer was right about you Cross”
“Right about what ma'am?”
“You are blunt and speak your mind, terrible quality in an officer”The Marshal smiled as she made the statement. Alex was a little taken aback, but she continued.
“Terrible in an Officer, but an excellent quality in a front line Task Fleet Commander and as an adviser.” “ Which is primarily why I am here Cross” Alex tried to contain his confusion.
They continued for a few minutes winding their way through the halls of the ship until they arrived at the briefing room. Fleet Marshal Gronier took the place at the head of the table and gestured fro everybody to sit. The Stewards served scotch and refreshments to the officers as the Fleet Marshal brought maps and fleet dispositions up on the holo projector at the center of the table.

“Lets get down to business, Omicron theta was a disaster and its because that bastard Gravanivitch was feeding us false intel. We have apprehended the spies among us and now our mission has changed.”
Alex was a bit shocked by the Fleet Marshals directness. There were audible groans and sighs at her pronouncements. She continued for several minutes detailing the regroup and reinforcement of the miscellaneous fleet groups still at large from the battle. From the displays and information it looked as if she was planning on hitting the system with about twice as many ships and was dedicating the RNV Dramos to the fight. The Rense Navies sole Leviathan class warship. This was more than an extended campaign to take a planet, this looked to be a plan of vengeance. Marshal Groniers legendary temper seemed to be getting the better of her. A thought occurred to Alex, this looked like a very well orchestrated diversion. The number of assets and the sheer amount of fire power was over kill.

“Ma'am, this looks reckless. Unless you are trying to draw forces off of Schaumberg Prime.....”
Alex trailed off as all eyes looked at him. Several of the men at the table were shaking their heads, a couple had mortified looks.
“Why would I try to do that Marshal Cross?”
Alex felt trapped, but the wry grin on the Fleet Marshals face showed her hand. With as much confidence as he could muster he answered.
“Ma'am, If it were me I would say I would be drawing forces off of Schaumberg prime to make sure my second smaller Battle Fleet had the element of surprise when it shunted in to take the system......And secure a foothold to hit the Fortress.” The pronouncement made Alex sit back in his seat. The eyes moved from him to the smiling Fleet Marshal Gronier.
“You are sharp Cross. I also cannot take full credit for the plan...”
“Panzer......” Alex laughed slightly. That cunning spider.
“As I recall Cross you have dealt with this Relth in the past?”
“Yes ma'am. His name is very hard to say quickly so I just called him Panzer. He might as well be a tank as big as he is. When I was A Fleet Colonel we participated in joint operations with his hive for over a year.”
Alex knew why she was here “So you want me to treat with the Relthoza fleet thats here.” It wasn’t a question Alex made it as a statement of fact.
“Yes Fleet Marshal I do, they should be here within the hour.”
“Actually Ma'am they are already here.”
“They communicated their arrival time Cross, it was to be in about an hour.”
“True, but Panzer always arrives early and being the consummate hunter that he is probably already has the fleet surrounded.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes ma'am. He follows the old ways and his queen does not suffer failure from her 1st consort.”
As if on cue, the bridge signaled the conference room.
“Sir this is the bridge, a large hunter fleet just appeared on the scopes with full weapons lock.” The panic in the officers voice was obvious.
“Understood, do not return weapons lock. Roll the ships belly towards the battleship.”
“How did you know there was a battle ship sir?”
“Just roll the ship Lt.”
Alex grinned. That crafty spider was probably shadowing the Fleet Marshals ships the whole time.
“Presenting your belly Cross?”

“Yes ma'am, all the better to lure him in.” Alex grinned. Panzer was probably having a good laugh on his bridge. This was going to be interesting. Hopefully nobody would die when they went to meet with the Relth. The spider was a traditionalist after all.

Until next time Crush the Alliance and as Always...


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Battle For Omicron Theta Missions!

Hi all SeerK here.  We are just over a week away from the 2nd annual Storm Zone Brawl: The Battle At Omicron Theta.  UCON pre registration has closed, but you can still register for the convention with the onsite prices in effect.

After much playtesting and formatting we have for you a mission pack.  The link HERE will open the document in Google drive so you can play through the missions and know what you are in for.  We went with a modified kind of Tiered mission.  You play as normal gaining and loosing battle log.  There are three objectives which are worth additional battle log. These are added at the end of the game if you complete the objective.  A winner is determined from here.

This is the format we will be doing at Adepticon.  Speaking of Adpeticon, if you listen to the Adepticon Talks podcast myself, Spellduckwrong and Dreadbeard will be on an upcoming episode talking about the Adepticon Events we have planned.

We are also delving into the realm of Pod Casting.  The group of us will be throwing some knowledge your way with the guys over at Firebase Delta in the next couple of episodes so head on over and check it our.  Phil, Robert and Bryan are a good bunch of guys and have a great podcast for all of your Firestorm Universe needs.

Well thats all for now.  Its proving to be a busy week.  Stay tuned for more stories and tactical articles.

Until next time crush the Alliance and as always


Friday, October 31, 2014

Fluff Friday Halloween Edition: The Ghosts Of Terra

SeerK here with a special Halloween Installment of "Fluff Friday".  This time I am doing something different.  A story from a Terran perspective.  Enjoy and Have a joyous Samhain and a Happy Halloween form all of us at The WayGate.

The air was still musty and stale. Despite the deep cleaning the air was still musty. It was a peculiar quirk of old vessels like this. Being in mothballs for so long stained the air. It would stay that way too. Even after a crew came on board and lived in the ship the air would still be musty. Gregory realized he was lost in thought again. It was easy for the mind to wander being alone in the dimly lit halls of a ship. He shook off his reverie and continued with his task. He had to get the communications console upgraded before the ship left dry dock. The ship had not seen action in over 170 years. It was a veteran of the first succession war. She was old and scarred. She had sent dozens of rebel ships to their deaths. Although there were many Razorthorn class Battleships still in service, none of them were as old as the Ixion.

The comm bud in his ear buzzed with static as a voice broke him once more from his thoughts.
“Have you got that panel in yet crewman Voight?”
It was Gregory's boss Chief Farnes. He had been riding Gregory all day. Apparently the Ixions new commanding officer was due to arrive at 0900 tomorrow morning. The Chief was hell bent on having the ship completely done for the inspection. Never mind they still had another week while they primed the reactors and brought the fold space drive online.
“No sir, but I am almost done. There is some feedback in the system that is causing some interference, I am still trying to track down.”
“Get it done ASAP crewman, we still have to get the port shield array re aligned. If you can't find the source in the next hour put it on the “gremlin” list and get down to the port array”
“Yes sir” Gregory sighed. The Gremlin list was getting big. This ship was very stubborn. It was like it was resisting their efforts to resurrect her for duty. Gregory pondered this for a few moments as he closed the access panel he had been working in and turned the communication console on. The channel was silent for a moment, then the static came back. It was different this time though. Gregory could swear he could hear something in the static.
“.......o forever.......” It seemed to be repeating. Gregory switched channels and messed with the settings, but it seemed to be on every channel. He ducked under the console and opened another access panel.

“ I tried to reason with them......”
Gregory jumped and hit his head on the console. He cursed as he stood rubbing the back of his head.
“Dammit don't sneak up on people.....”Gregory froze as he saw Admirals bars on the mans uniform. He stood to attention and saluted. The Admiral was sitting in the commanders chair at the center of the bridge. He was cast in shadow and the dim light reflected off of the medals and pins on his uniform.
“ I tried to reason with him. I didn't want to do it.......”
“Sir are you ok?” Gregory relaxed and took a step towards the man in the chair. He seemed to be sobbing as he spoke.
“They didn't deserve it. They deserved to be brought to justice and brought to heel. I told the president it would not make them surrender. It would only harden their resolve”
“Sir I don't understand, are you ill? Do I need to summon a medic?” The man continued to ramble as Gregory got closer. He was about 3 paces away from the man and still could not make out his face. He seemed to be cradling his head in his hands. Sobbing as he spoke.
“The Dindrenzi people didn’t deserve that kind of sanction.”
“With all due respect sir the Dindrenzi are savages that only understand one thing, Violence.”
the man began to laugh. It was a cold and seemed to penetrate Gregory to his core. Gregory noticed his breath in the air. It was cold, really cold. Were the atmosphere processors in the fritz again?
The man began to raise his head and sit back in the chair.
“Thats what my first officer always said....”
Gregory saw the man clearly for the first time. He was pale, and he features were drawn. He wore the uniform of an NTSC Admiral, but it looked like the ones he had seen in a museum. His eyes were sunken and there seemed to be scorch marks on his left temple. Gregory realized it was a gunshot wound. The man reached for Gregory laughing. A sense of terror overtook Gregory and he turned to run. He tripped as he turned and fell. He hit his head hard on the deck. The last thing he saw before blacking out was the man standing over him.

Gregory woke suddenly and began to scramble across the bridge. Hands reached for him.
“Crap Crewman calm down” Gregory stopped and turned. He squinted and looked clearly at his assailant. It was the Chief.
“Sir? Is that you?”
“Who else would it be Voight?” The Chief looked genuinely confused.
“There is an intruder on board sir, he attacked me!”
“Voight there is nobody here except you and I, beta team left 2 hours ago.”
“You must have seen the guy he was wearing an admirals uniform Admiral, he was injured.....badly!”
“Crewman you aren't making an ounce of sense, Nobody is here except us. I found you by the console out cold”
Gregory looked over towards the console. A smattering of blood was on the deck plate. His head began to ache as reality seemed to come crashing down upon him.
“I saw him plain as day Chief, he was crying and sobbing about trying to prevent something. He looked like hell and it looked like he had been shot.”
The Chief rolled his eyes. “Not you too, I swear.......” he trailed off as he went for the first aide kit by the entrance to the bridge. Gregory tried to stand but felt dizzy as he did. The Chief motioned for him to stay down.

“What do you mean not me too?”
“Well some of the others have seen some weird stuff while we have been refitting the ship, I didn’t want to say anything to spook the rest of the teams that hadn’t seen anything. You were the last person I would expect to see anything. I just chocked it up to gamma team hitting the bottle on duty” The Chief walked back over to Gregory with a bottle of antiseptic and some gauze.
“I don’t understand sir? Are you saying some other people have seen this guy?”
“No Voight nobody has seen a crying Admiral, that ones new. I am guessing you whacked your head hard enough to get a concussion.” The Chief dressed Gregory's head wound. The antiseptic stung when he applied it to his head. “I am taking you to the infirmary once you feel confident enough to stand.”

After a few minutes Gregory stood with some help form the Chief. He was feeling dizzy still, but not quit as bad. They made their way down the corridors to the main port air lock. A thought occurred to Gregory as they silently made their way to their destination.
“Sir, this vessel is really old right? Did something bad happen on it?”
“Don't start Crewman, I know where this is going, no its not haunted and no nothing bad happened.”
“Oh...” Gregory was not one to believe in ghosts, but he had heard stories form some of the old yard workers. Old ships have seen a lot in their travels. Lots of good folks lived and died in their cold metal arms. They arrived at the airlock and made their way to the station. The umbilicus was always cold despite the heaters. The trip from the airlock to the infirmary was short. The Doc was in his office reading a book.
“Got an Injured man Doc” The Chief helped Gregory to the exam table. He sat down and thanked the Chief. The Chief conferred with the Doc before exiting.
“Hit your head did you, lets take a look” The Doc unwrapped Gregory's head and probed and prodded him a bit. He shined a light in his eyes and seemed to be doing some sort of test.
“Well looks like you have a minor Concussion, so I am going to need you off the next duty shift. I will let the Chief know. Loos like this cut on your head is also going to need closing.”
“Oh thats going to make the Chief happy, the Commander of that old girl is due here tomorrow”
“Well he will have to make due without you for one shift.”
“Doc can I ask you a question?, it may sound weird but bear with me.”
“Ok Crewman go ahead”. The doc began cleaning Gregory's wound and started to apply the dermal re-generator.
“Rumor has it you are a man that knows something about history, namely about ships.”
“Yes I am a history buff crewman and I would be a liar if I didn't call in a lot of favors to get this posting. There is a lot of history in this yard, The Storm Fleet has seen a lot of action.”
“Thats very true Doc, So this old girl out here, whats her story?”
“The Ixion? That vessel was once the flagship of one of Terra's greatest fleets. It fired the nuke that destroyed the capital city on Dramos.”
“That was Admiral Gravanivitch's Vessel? I thought his ship was the Dreadnought Fist of Terra?”
“Well it was once he was actually an Admiral. He was technically the first officer of the Ixion until he was field promoted by the President”
“He was field Promoted?” The Doctor Shook his head in acknowledgment. Another voice added to the conversation
“Well thats the nice way of saying he executed that coward Admiral Cross for disobeying the bombardment order and for being a rebel sympathizer.” The man in the door was imposing. He was tall and squarely built. His accent was thick. He sounded like he was from the Russian Federation region of Terra. His close cropped red hair and beard was illuminated by the bright flame of the lighter he was using to light a dark cigar.
The Doctor and Gregory were startled, but both managed a weak salute when they saw the rank pins on his uniform.
“Gentleman I am looking for the engineer in charge, I want to see my ship.”
“ I will signal the duty Chief sir, I didn't think you were arriving until tomorrow?”
“Sir may I ask a question?” Gregory felt very nervous, this man disturbed him. The way he looked at Gregory was almost Predatory.”
“How do I know these little facts?” The man responded with a wry grin.
“Yes Sir”
“My Great Grandfather told me about it when I was child, He liked to fill in gaps in story about Dramos.”
Gregory’s blood ran cold. This was Admiral Alexei Gravanivitch. The Commander of the “Rad Hounds” The Great Grandson of the man who destroyed Dramos.
“Its an honor to meet you sir!” The Admiral took a long draw on his Cigar
“Of course it is” He smirked and turned to exit, Gregory could hear the Chief stammering outside.
That is why the ship was being difficult. That is why people had been seeing things. The ghosts of the past were being driven out. Purged from its halls as it was awoken form its long slumber. The memories of the past were soon to be replaced by the reality of the present. The war against the Dindrenzi was at a tipping point. The ship was a killer. Its new master had finally arrived. The one man who would take her into the stars for her intended purpose.

to hunt the Dindrenzi once again..........

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Behold - The ORLYians

The first half of this glorious and absurd Sorylian fleet is complete. Basing has begun on the remaining ships, which will be added to the collective. Local player A-Aron gave me permission to live vicariously through his Sorylians and paint them up like googly-eyed war goldfish. Completing this project has been difficult at times because I find myself giggling uncontrollably. Such are the pitfalls of googly eyes, it would seem.
Scroll down for more pics!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

DNS 'Papua' - Victor of Soleran IV

The Papua dealt the final blow to the treasonous RSN fleet that went rogue.

Traitors deserve no quarter, and the the Dindrenzi give none.

Remember Dramos.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Firestorm Armada Tournament Preparations

Dreadbeard, SeerK, and I have been working diligently on both the scenarios and tournament scoring system that will be utilized for U-Con and then further refined for use at our Firestorm Armada event at Adepticon 2015. I still love saying that.

We have hammered out four rounds worth of tactical material, drafted the logic and structure for the scoring, and have been whittling down more extraneous elements of the tournament day. Since we believe in community, when we have a fully loaded product, we will be submitting our methods and materials for broader input from the fine Admirals out in the far reaches of the Internet.

So far, some of the main sticking points have been how do we deal with players that would be accused of the dreaded "slow-play". For anyone that doesn't know, slow-play is traditionally used within the context of a timed, competitve event and refers to a player that is willfully playing slowly so as to gain advantage from this tactic. The advantage gained varies widely, but we see it across game systems, so there is indeed a temptation to do so. Unlike outright cheating, or using loaded dice, it is incredibly hard to pin an accusation of slow-play on a player. Our council has not come to a final solution for this problem at this time.

Also, it should be noted that some players are just slow players, either by nature or because they lack the table experience to have everthing memorized or lack the tournament experience to formulate moves quickly and in advance in order to get as far into a game as possible during a timed event.

This is just a quick update for anyone drifting by. Also, if anyone has any actual experience with events that handled slow-play in an original fashion, I would love to hear it. 

Remember Dramos.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Battle At Cyrax Alpha Results!

Hi again SeerK here.  Well we had a small turn out yesterday for the Firestorm Armada tournament dubbed "The Battle At Cyrax Alpha".  Evolution Games once again played host to the tournament.  We had 8 Participants with yours truly doing my duty as a Vanguard and running the show.

We had an excellent mix of both Zenian League and Kurak Alliance fleets.  After the guns were silenced the Sorylians emerged as the victors.  SO here are our winners.

1st place  Matt Johnson playing Sorylians

2nd place Dave Wangen playing Directorate/OSO

3rd place  Aaron Ferrigan playing Veydreth.

Our Battle Station Raffle Winner was Tony Alfonso.  Congrats to all the winners!  Our next event will be on November 15th at UCON.  I hope to see you all there.  Especially since we have three Battle Stations to give away!

I thought I would post a few pictures of the event so enjoy!

Our Winning Fleet ready to hunt

Our Winner Matt aka the King Lizard

Until Next time Crush the Alliance and as always