SeerK here with a short story. Please be forgiving I am an amateur. Hope you enjoy, "The Fleet Marshals Doubt"

The air tasted stale in the chapel.
The smell of incense and unwashed bodies filled Alex's nostrils. It
had been a scant hour since the engagement with the Sorylians. The
Bishop had insisted on having a service and giving thanks for the
victory. Alex fidgeted with the collar of his uniform and let out a
slow sigh. Victory. It didn't feel like a Victory. The second
engagement in three weeks of deployment and Alex lost two heavy
cruisers and almost all of the Frigates in the battle group. His
second engagement as a Fleet Marshal and it felt like an abysmal
failure. The Sorylians had laid a trap and Alex had advanced to
quickly. Two Cerberus and eight Bulwarks and fallen in the ensuing
close range engagement. The engagement against the Terrans a week
before had gone well. Minimal losses and he had blooded the nose of
the Infamous “Rad Hounds”.
The Sorylians had boarded a third
Cerberus and folded away with it before Alex' flagship, The RNV
Leonidas, could destroy it. Despite having destroyed the entire
Sorylian flotilla he had lost most of his battle group in the
process. It was a disaster. Fleet command was sending
reinforcements, but Fleet Marshal Alpha Gronier was also coming.
That meant a command review. His appointment to the Rense Navy was a
great milestone only surpassed by his Promotion to Fleet Marshal
Alex sat in contemplation as the
command staff and bridge crew filed out of the small chapel. They
looked tired. Alex could feel the doubt they had in his abilities as
they saluted halfheartedly walking past him. He needed to rally
them. Morale would be low given the losses. It would be an uphill
battle to regain the trust of the crew. Make that crews. Alex was
still adjusting to being in command of a fleet rather than a single
vessel. Another long sigh escaped his lips. He sat weary, his head
in his hands as the Bishop approached.
“I know how you must be feeling Fleet
Marshal” Bishop Kelly sat on the bench beside Alex. He was a man
of advanced years. His gray hair was close cropped and his clean
shaven face was craggy and dusky in color. He unbuttoned the top
buttons of his white service uniform and produced a flask from its
inside pocket. He took a long draw on the flask and offered it to
Alex. The Fleet Marshal looked up and held up his hand refusing the
“Suit yourself sir” The bishop took
another swig before putting the flask back in its pocket. “I have
been in space for longer than you have been alive to be frank Sir”,
“and I have seen my fair share of battles”. “You cannot blame
yourself..... “
“Can't I?” “I ordered the Fleet
forward to quickly and we paid for it in lives and ships”. Alex
stood and turned to face the wall of the chapel and let out a long
sigh. “The crew doubts me and I doubt myself, how can I lead now?”
Bishop Kelly leaned back and looked up
at the dull drab gray ceiling of the ships chapel. “Well sir you
suck it up and carry on” Fleet Marshal Gamma Alexander Kraft
turned to face the Bishop. “Excuse me?” “ You heard
Alex was about to say something when
the Bishop Continued. “Did you know I was at the battle of Cygnus
4?” Alex paused as he let the statement sink in. His anger at the
Bishops familiarity suddenly ebbed away. “Really? What Ship?”
“The Ignatius Rex.........”There
was a long pause. “Fleet Marshal Alpha Renses Flagship!?!?”
“Yes sir I was there when the Terrans
destroyed it.” “Barely made it out”
“My God, I didn’t know Bishop
“The battle didn't go well, we were
ambushed by 3 dreadnoughts with a host of battleships and cruisers”
“The fleet was lead by none other that Admiral Vladimir Gravanivitch of
the Rad Hounds”
Bishop Kelly began to drift off as he
spoke. His thoughts elsewhere as he described the desperate battle.
“The Admiral Stayed true and strong the whole time, even with the
ship burning around him” “His first officer had to knock him out
to get him off the ship, bastard was lucky I didn’t bring him up on
Alex looked confused for a second
before speaking “ That was a terrible day Bishop, We lost a lot of
good men and woman as well as ships. We also lost a great man.
Fleet Marshal Rense was a great man.”” What is your point
“Well Sir, my point is this. No
matter the odds or the situation you have to give the appearance of
being strong.”” Even if you are about to douse your pants in fear
you have to hold strong and inspire”
“Easier said than done Bishop”
Alex turned and started to walk out of
the chapel. The bishop stood and paused in the aisle as the Fleet
Marshal left.” The real trick sir, is to not blame yourself”
“ I thank you for your council
bishop, I will try”
Bishop Kelly turned and took out his
flask once again. He chuckled to himself. “ I don't blame my self
for failing, I blame the Terrans. They got the drop on me , those
crafty bastards.
Bishop Kelly Ignatius Rense thought to
himself a moment. This kid should do fine if he can get over
More next Friday
Crush The Alliance and as always..........